The house for everyone

The house for everyone


The base the Basis for the HOUSE

The base the Basis

 The base is the basis for any capital object. Its appointment to transfer loadings of all design to a ground. Reliability and durability of all structure depends on quality and reliability of the base. In this section we will consider questions which are connected with erection of the bases by own strength =====
Site lay-out

Having studied geology грунтов, start a site lay-out. For this purpose it is necessary not only to weigh really all forces and means, but also, whenever possible, to glance in the future, trying to see the manor in many years. In necessity of a sight at the future there is no exaggeration. After all from that, all is how much true is thought over at building, convenience of residing depends. Hasty decisions in a lay-out of a site a part 1..... The Part 2.....

Breakdown катлована under the base

Building any kind (and the house isn't an exception in this question) demands careful measurement and leveling. Special devices serve in building for this purpose (a level and a theodolite) which with sufficient degree of accuracy allow to execute all necessary gaugings. But practice prompts, what not each builder has available these devices and real possibility to receive them in the fullness of time. Besides, not each builder is able to use these devices Chast1..... The Part 2.....

Foundation ditch digging

The way of working out of a ground for the building base depends on concrete conditions and volume of excavations. Is better and to execute more precisely this work manually. On filling of such foundation ditch it is required much less than building materials, and its walls will serve as a natural timbering. But if under the house the ground floor, is provided at such volume of excavations. Manual working out of a ground to carry out hardly Chast1 is expedient..... The Part 2.....
The tape bases

 The tape bases usually erect at building of buildings with heavy (brick, stone) walls and overlappings and as when under the house construct a cellar or a warm underground. Erection of the tape bases is possible and expedient at their their piece of chalk заложении on dry непучинистых грунтах, even for easy buildings. Depth заложения the base of Chast1........ The Part 2.....
The lentochno-stolbchatye bases

About an essence of the given technology. In article we will consider the problem constructions reliable and concerning the easy bases on пучинистых грунтах with the minimum expenses and peak efficiency and reliability. This technology that on all perimeter of the house establish ленточно - столбчатые the bases consists

The buronabivnye bases

The buronabivnye bases usually do by a concreting method, filling in concrete in preliminary drilled chinks. Durability of concrete strengthen арматурным a skeleton, as well as in the previous case. As a timbering for буронабивного the base Chast1 serves..... The Part 2.....
The butobetonnye bases

The butobetonnye bases are more reliable and can be applied to two-storeyed houses and cottages with a basement part under all house or its any part. For a construction of such bases prepare бутобетон, a filler in which can be гравийный rubble, brick fight and etc.....