The very first point we should define that we will build the house, a summer residence or a bath If you read these pages that, already probably were defined with a choice. Or it is dictated by vital necessity. That I will tell about the majority of questions to tell about building of a country house or a summer residence it is to a clod as it is pleasant. In my opinion it will allow to describe the majority of the problems facing the builder, without repeating. We will disassemble by turns stages of preparation for building.........
Types of houses
Following types of apartment houses can be applied to farmstead building: one and two floor; with apartments in one and two levels. On sites with a difficult relief often apply a variant сдвижки premises on a floor floor. At definition этажности houses the number of floors includes all elevated floors, including mansard, and also a ground floor provided that the top of its overlapping is above a mark of the earth not less, than on 2 m. the most widespread farmstead houses concern........
Two-storeyed houses
Two-storeyed houses bear in themselves all advantages mansard on the organization of internal interrelation of inhabited and subsidiary premises, but, as a rule, they hardly give in to reorganization or re-equipment from - for solidities of the designs. The architectural image of houses with apartments in two levels is more expressive, there is a possibility to use architectural receptions which won't be involved in one-storeyed houses. To a lack it is possible to carry a little raised (in comparison with one-storeyed) expenses on their operation. Welcome also configurations of the house from mansard and two-storeyed houses a part 1 is got......... A part 2.........
Planirovochnye decisions
The constructive scheme of the house basically is defined it is volume - планировочным the decision. At width of the house more than 6 m of the most widespread are the scheme with an average bearing wall. The size of blocked flights in this case is accepted 3 - 4 m. At flights less than 3 m "are difficultly entered" the big rooms, and at flights more than 4 m sharply increase requirements to bearing designs of overlapping. At width of the house less than 6 m economic are.........
Choice of the project of the house
Irrespective of the fact which the house, a cottage or a garden small house is supposed to be built, it is necessary to concern a choice of its project with the most steadfast attention. To make on this question unequivocal recommendations it is almost impossible. The house project depends on structure of a family, tastes and habits of all its members, the part of the budget allocated for building, and many other factors which in absentia it is impossible to define. If the built up site is placed among already generated environment of surrounding manors, architecture of a new apartment house a part 1...... A part 2......
Lay-out of internal premises
The necessary lay-out of internal premises of the house should be considered at a design stage. It will allow to provide from the very beginning the bases under bearing and dividing partitions that will give the big economy in time and labor expenses. The lay-out of internal premises is very responsible moment as degree of conveniences of people living in it will depend on it. We will consider high lights on which final decision acceptance on a lay-out of the house a part 1 in many respects depends...... A part 2...... A part 3......
The account of environmental conditions
To the factors connected with prirodno-environmental conditions, carry temperature and humidity of external air, height of a snow cover, force and a direction of a prevailing wind, depth seasonal промерзания a ground, level of ground waters. Moving of air atmospheric weights is accompanied by a wind. In each district there is a prevailing direction of a wind which renders a great influence on a climate and residing conditions. Therefore before to start a house lay-out on district, it is necessary to study a prevailing direction of a wind. Part 1...... Part 1......
Studying of geology of a ground
Before to start foundation ditch breakdown under the base, it is necessary to study geology грунтов on a site. Thus define level of ground waters, a ground kind, its bearing ability and depth промерзания. Depth промерзания a ground isn't size of a constant for the given district and can depend on the site location. So, a ground on a site......
Ground and its kinds
On the structure and structure, durability and difficulty of working out грунты share on rocky, conglomerates and not the rocky. To define a ground kind to external signs it is possible, having used tables 8 and 9. To study a ground structure on a farmstead site, it is necessary to dig out in a place assumed for building шурф. Usually at first dig out 60 - 80 sm a shovel, and further шурф pass a manual drill to depth 2 - 2,5 m, selecting samples of a ground from intermediate depths. We will consider some features грунтов a part 1...... A part 2...... A part 3......
Working out of chinks and layer hydrorupture
Any development of chinks is the, many-sided activity based on a call of inflow of a fluid sheeted on a surface. The purpose which has development of chinks, is covered in achievement of full productivity of directly chink. Development of chinks is spent right after end of the works connected with opening of a layer